What does a Biden Presidency mean for Canada?
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What does a Biden Presidency mean for Canada?

A look at how the next president of the United States will affect trade, projects, and the environment.

Video by Breanna Schurr

By Curtis Martin

Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president of the United States in January, Despite lawsuits being thrown around and allegations of mass voter fraud.

Things are going to look different moving forward in the U.S. under the new presidency, but how will this change affect Canadians? 

Video: What does a Biden Presidency mean for Canada (RSJ/ Breanna Schurr)

To start, The Keystone XL pipeline that just started construction after years of delay and disruption may be at risk of not being completed. This would come as one of the main pillars of president-elect Bidens’ campaign is his plan for a clean energy revelation. The plan sees the U.S spending two trillion dollars in the goal of having one hundred per cent renewable energy in the country by 2050; putting the pipeline a huge future source of revenue for the province of Alberta at risk. 

Despite this  Globe and Mail writer and Bureau Chief Robert Fife said, “there’s no doubt in my mind that the Canadian government is going to be able to work with President-elect Biden to deal with issues of climate change.” 

In terms of trade between the U.S and Canada Biden says he wants to be friendlier and will most likely strip away the tariffs Donald Trump imposed on Canadian aluminum and steel, but this doesn’t mean other sectors of the Canadian economy won’t take a hit though. Biden in his campaign has emphasized the government should be supporting American businesses and products. Some possible casualties could be the lumber industry and the dairy industry as Biden encourages Americans and the government to buy more American products. 

November 20, 2020

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