
From Rag houses to Reselling: A Booming Pandemic Reselling Business

Malak Fahmy may have cracked the code to successful reselling of used clothes

Third-year HR and Public Policy student at U of T, Malak Fahmy, took advantage of her love for sustainable fashion by turning it into a business that pays for her school. When the pandemic began, Fahmy found herself in a slump. Unmotivated and with no end to the pandemic in sight, she decided to take her hobby of buying used clothes from rag houses and advertise them through an Instagram account titled ‘Hedoum,’ Egyptian slang for ‘clothes.’ Soon she began to spend more time working on Hedoum, developing a website and even recently hosting a pop-up shop in Toronto.

Interview with Malak Fahmy, Founder of Hedoum
February 18, 2022

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