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What Biden’s win means for Canada and the U.S.

According to U.S. citizens the election results are something many of us are settling for.

VIDEO: How U.S. citizens have reacted to the results of the 2020 presidential campaign.
(Bianca Thompson/JRN270)

Multimedia by Carlos Rayman

Video by Bianca Thompson

Video by Megan Camlasaran

By Sydney Di Brina

Most people seem to be satisfied and unaffected by the results of the 2020 presidential election although they were not satisfied with the options they had to choose from.

Jocelyn Chen, a second-year biomedical engineering student at Columbia University has spent the past 5 years in the U.S., but has since moved back home to Toronto due to the increase in COVID-19 cases.

“A part of me is also glad that I didn’t have to vote. I personally think this election was more about which candidate was worse than the other and less about which candidate one actually supports. Both of them suck. I really wish the candidates could be younger and represent more contemporary views, and not always retired people who have “seen the world” but still goes by their old ways,” said Chen.

STORY MAP: The six states that factored into the final election results.

(Carlos Rayman/JRN270)

The Democrats, former vice-president Joe Biden and U.S. senator Kamala Harris defeated the Republican ticket of President Donald Trump and vice-president Mike Pence.

Trump argues with Biden.
Trump argues with Biden. (Courtesy Sky News)

“Honestly I’m so happy Trump is no longer president he did not know how to run the country. The fact that he was elected in the first place, despite being sexist, homophobic, and racist is extremely problematic. If I had it my way I’d bring Obama back, but Biden will do,” said Annie Cruz, a Medical Secretary from New York City.

After Trump’s four years of presidency this was his attempt at staying in the white house as president for the next four years. 

Jasmine Afhan Al-Kholani is a student living in Canada that has dual citizenship. She says that she feels a bit more optimistic now that Biden has been elected as the new president.

VIDEO: Students with dual citizenship react to the 2020 U.S. presidential election. (Megan Camlasaran/JRN270)

November 20, 2020

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