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Trump’s inferno: the future of Canada and U.S. relations after the Trump administration

Experts say the relationship between the two neighbouring countries can be mended with Biden as president. 

What would a Biden administration mean for Canada? An overview of Canada and U.S. relations under the Biden administration (Marissa Gatto/JRN270).

Video by Marissa Gatto

Timeline by Michael Tse

Interactive graphic by Ana Leal Cornejo

Story by Nika Petrosian

With Donald Trump’s turbulent presidency officially coming to an end, experts say that Canada can expect to see a much more stable relationship with the United States under the Biden administration. 

“Diplomacy can take place through the normal channels, without Canada worrying that a sudden change of mind from the President could upend everything,” says Adrian Morrow of the Globe and Mail. 

Morrow believes that with Trump out of office, Canada won’t have to worry about the president “abruptly threatening to tear up free trade,” or “flaming the Prime Minister on Twitter,” as can frequently be seen in the past. 

An overview of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump’s feuds over the last four years. (Michael Tse/JRN 270)

“An international consensus”

Experts also believe that Biden will most likely improve economic relations with Canada and other countries by focusing more on international consensus. 

University of Toronto professor Randy Besco says that the Biden administration will be more interested in “rule-following” and “multilateral negotiations”.  

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau walking down the Hall of Honour on Parliament Hill with Joe Biden. beside Joe Biden
Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau walk down the Hall of Honour on Parliament Hill (David Kawai / Bloomberg via Getty Images).

The United States is expected to re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as reaffirm their support of NATO. It is also possible that tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum may decrease, as Biden supports free trade. 

Historically, Canada and the United States have had a tight trade relationship, which became heavily strained during the Trump presidency.  

An overview of trade agreements between the United States and Canada throughout history (Ana Leal Cornejo / JRN 270).

November 20, 2020

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