Joe Biden: His promises and the game plan
News, U.S. Election

Joe Biden: His promises and the game plan

Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, the climate crisis and Joe Biden’s plan.

Story by Cassandra Argao

Joe Biden promised many things in his campaign. Some of these promises for justice include abolishing capital punishment and further investment in education.

Biden is tackling systemic racial injustice, rebuilding damage done by the previous administration and a global health crisis that has resulted in over 250 thousand deaths in the United States so far.

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Infographic: Joe Biden’s platform and what is important (Jenna Winger/RSJ)

A part of his COVID-19 plan is to ensure the vaccine, once available, is free to all Americans.

“Once we have a safe and effective vaccine, it has to be free to everyone, whether or not you’re insured,” Biden said.

In his first speech as president elect, he spoke about the many battles his administration will be facing.

“The battle to control the virus. The battle to build prosperity. The battle to secure your family’s health care. The battle to achieve racial justice and root out systemic racism in this country. The battle to save the climate.”

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Video: CBC reporter David Common talks about what Joe Biden and his promises (Olivia Burwell/RSJ)

David Common, a CBC reporter who has done extensive work surrounding the 2020 election, is waiting for Biden’s promises surrounding green energy to come to fruition. 

Common believes Biden will take “more action on climate change, including things like emissions restrictions on vehicles, making it easier for electrical vehicles… to coal. [Biden] can’t burn it as easily as other administrations could.”

November 20, 2020

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