
The mental health of commuting


We interview three Ryerson students on their commute and how they think it could be made better. (Zachary Roman/RSJ)

By: Carley Thorne, Zachary Roman, Shayna Nicolay and Madeline Fiore

A study conducted by Ryerson University reveals that 52% of undergraduate students take “local transit” or the TTC to commute to campus, but Toronto psychologist Laura Turnbull says that “taking the subway could have a negative impact on ones mental health.”


“The reason is because of the different stressors that often come with using the subway, such as the crowds and general uncertainty,” stated Turnbull. “Typically when someone is exposed to high stress situations on a daily basis, it can really effect your physical and mental state.”


In a 2013 study conducted by Forum Research, 60% of subway riders stated that their quality of life was negatively affected by their commute.


“I take a go train, and the subway to get to campus, and it takes about an hour,” said second-year Ryerson english student Maha Jawass. “ I think my social life would be different if I didn’t have a long commute… it doesn’t seem worth it.”


According to a study administered by the Ryerson School of Journalism, 23.9% of Ryerson students believe that improving public transit is the most pressing issue for the city of Toronto to address.


“When someone is exposed to the high stress situations (of the TTC) on a daily basis, it can really effect your physical and mental state,” Turnbull stated. “Especially since there are studies showing that your mental health is improved by nature and open spaces.”

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The same study conducted by Ryerson University found that 19% of commuters choose to bike or walk to campus.


“I get to campus by biking and it takes me 45 minutes,” said Filip Lee, a third-year media production student at Ryerson. “Biking to school definitely makes my time and school more enjoyable because I don’t have to commute in a crowded TTC car.”


“My morning commute is one of my favourite things about my day,” said Mannie Victoria, a fourth-year media production student and avid biker. “With my busy schedule,… my trips to and from campus are often the few relaxing moments in my day that I get to enjoy the outdoors.”


“On those super awful, nail pinning, face pinching, freezing cold days I will fault for the street car,” said Victoria. “I just freaking love Bike Share.”


October 19, 2018

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