

Canada’s public holidays not as diverse as its people

Christian students have an advantage over students from other faith groups when it comes to celebrating public holidays By Samanah Ali By Jenna Naccarato Did you know that only one religious group is represented in Canada’s public holidays? That’s right, only the Christian faith group gets to celebrate some of their holidays, like easter and…


Online Shopping Slowly Taking Over the Retail Industry

By Nancy Pierri Infographics by Jacob Stoller Online shopping increases strongly during the holiday season, with Adobe reporting that retailers achieved $91.7 billion in digital sales, representing an 11 per cent increase in 2017.The convenience of online shopping is consuming holiday sales while mall sales continue to decrease, according to analytic tracking companies.   The…

Toronto’s Indigenous develop plan for ICIE

Toronto’s Indigenous develop plan for ICIE

By Madeline Fiore – Nov. 16, 2018 The City of Toronto is hosting an Indigenous Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICIE) event on Friday at the First Nations House located on 563 Spadina Ave. (RSJ/Kiernan Green)The Economic Development and Culture Division is looking to work with the local indigenous community to seek input from Indigenous…

The Red River Jig: a Métis Tradition

The Red River Jig: a Métis Tradition

The Red River Jig, or the oayache mannin as known in Michif, is the most famous Métis dance in Ontario. This dance pulls inspiration from Plains First Nations footwork while combining European dance elements that have now been labeled as the unofficial anthem of the Métis Nation. The Red River Jig is accompanied by upbeat…

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