
Canada’s public holidays not as diverse as its people

Christian students have an advantage over students from other faith groups when it comes to celebrating public holidays

By Samanah Ali

By Jenna Naccarato

Did you know that only one religious group is represented in Canada’s public holidays?

That’s right, only the Christian faith group gets to celebrate some of their holidays, like easter and christmas, as public holidays, according to Statutory Holidays Canada.

On Canada’s public holidays, most banks, government offices, schools and businesses are closed. All students and workers may enjoy the day off without having to make up any work.

However, students who don’t belong to the Christian faith have to miss their university or school day in order to celebrate their religious holidays.

Zoe Cezar-White is a second-year psychology student at Ryerson University who does not follow a particular religion but says she thinks that Christian students get an unfair advantage when it comes to having a day off from university.

“That’s like giving an advantage to a certain belief over another just because it’s more normalized,” she said.

Canada has five national holidays with Christmas being the biggest one, according to Canada Guide.

According to World Population Review, Christianity is the most common religion in Toronto. However, almost half of the population in Toronto is not from the Christian faith.

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Sarah Manek is a Muslim student studying biomedical sciences at Ryerson University. She says she likes how people are allowed to take a day off from school or work but doesn’t like the consequence that comes after.

“What’s not nice is that you have to catch up on your work by yourself,” said Sarah Manek, a third-year biomedical Sciences student at Ryerson University.

At Ryerson University, students are required to fill an academic accommodation form to inform their program department of their religious observance if it would interfere with their academic activities.

Cezar-White says she doesn’t find it fair that students from other religions don’t have the same advantage as Christian students have when it comes to celebrating their holidays stress-free.

“Everyone should be able to practice their religion freely and not have to fight for it and not have to argue to get a day off just because it’s not a stereotypical thing that most people celebrate.”

November 30, 2018

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